5 Steps Your Childcare Center Should Take to Prepare for the Coronavirus

You don’t have to look far to hear about coronavirus (COVID-19). The outbreak of coronavirus originated in China and has quickly spread globally. Today, it’s now classified as a pandemic by the World Health Organization, forcing many businesses to halt operations, the cancellation of many events, and more.

With instances of infection cropping up all over the world, including North America, the Middle East, and Europe, it’s everyone’s responsibility to help contain the virus and protect those who are most vulnerable. If everyone acts responsibly, infections can be kept to a minimum. The less sick people, the more room there is in hospitals to take care of those who do get infected, and the lower the death rate will be.

As a childcare center, you’re responsible for some of the most vulnerable members of society. Outside of the home, you’re the first line of defense for the children that are in your care. If you’re managing a daycare or preschool, you should be looking into precautions against the virus. 

So, how should your childcare center proceed? Here are five steps your daycare or preschool should take in order to minimize the risk of infection, keep kids healthy, and keep your daycare business running smoothly in this time of global crisis.

1.Keep Your Children Informed

Although some kids may be completely oblivious to the virus, there are likely to be many that have an inkling of what’s going on. If a child has heard vague details about the virus from the news, TV, or through a friend, they won’t be able to get the full picture.

Remember, children have a wild imagination, especially when it comes to fear. Nothing is scarier for kids than the unknown, so it’s important that you inform them about the virus. Depending on the age group you are working with, you may need to go into more or less detail. 

It’s probably a good idea to give the kids enough information to help them understand certain things: for example, why Dad is going to work from home for a while and why they see people on the street that are wearing face masks. Make sure to present the facts in a cheerful and reassuring tone, and filter the news you’re describing to present them in a positive light.

Teachers can keep their students informed by stressing the importance of hand washing and proper hygiene. Young children won’t understand all the details about coronavirus, but they can be encouraged to wash their hands, not share food and drinks, and to minimize unnecessary contact. You should also promote covering coughs and sneezes to minimize the spread of germs.

2.Focus on Hygiene

As any childcare worker will know, children are by no means the best when it comes to personal hygiene. With the very real threat of a viral infection, now more than ever it’s important to get your kids in the habit of washing their hands regularly and not touching their faces.

Make sure you teach the children how to sneeze and cough while minimizing the spread of bacteria and viruses. Not only is coronavirus an airborne illness, meaning that this may help protect the kids from infection, but it also helps prevent the spread of other diseases such as colds and the flu.

Encourage proper handwashing at all times, and if you suspect that someone may be ill, it’s important that they seek medical care and testing as quickly as possible. Children should also be taught to sing happy birthday twice or recite their ABCs to ensure that they have washed their hands properly.

3.Touch Base With Parents

When it comes to a serious issue like the coronavirus, you should make sure you’re on the same page as the parents. By informing the parents of the hygiene precautions you’re encouraging the kids to follow, you can make them twice as effective. After all, all the antibacterial hand gel in the world won’t help the kids if they go home and get sick there.

Aside from hopefully getting your kids’ parents to carry on your methods in their own home, you should also inform them about how you’re approaching the coronavirus issue. Parents are very protective of their children, and may not be comfortable with the way you’re presenting the information to their kids.

The best way for a daycare center to maintain confidence is through proper communication. Show parents that you are sanitizing all active environments in your facility. You may also encounter families that are returning from abroad. In these cases, you may need to ask children from those families to stay home for up to 14 days to reduce the chance of spreading the virus.

4.Keep a Strict Routine

Your kids may have trouble getting used to your daycare’s new schedule if you alter it too much. Try and keep the timing of everything the same. It’s best to work both explanations about coronavirus and encouraging hygiene into your day’s regular activities, to avoid a jarring change for the kids.

A strict routine isn’t just easier for you to keep. Studies show that kids feel more comfortable when they have a strict routine to follow. Young kids need to be told what to do most of the time, and keeping a steady schedule for each day is a good way to do that in a healthy way.

5.Keep Your Children Safe

It will both make your job easier and keep the children happier if they feel safe in your childcare facility. Aside from keeping a routine, which will help give the children stability and comfort, you should keep a close eye on any children that are displaying signs of discomfort or stress. Always keep your tone light and fun, no matter how serious the topics you’re discussing are. 

It’s best to remember that cold and flu symptoms are far more likely to be caused by a simple flu than coronavirus, as the flu is much more common. If a child is sick, there’s no need to panic. Just follow your normal procedure for handling a sick child, and make sure you reassure the rest of your children to keep them feeling safe.

And for added safety, consider postponing any outings that may expose your children to unnecessary risk.

Communicate More Effectively With the Kinderpass Daycare App

With all the extra effort it takes to keep your kids happy and safe when the world is becoming a quite uneasy environment, you probably won’t have as much time as you might need to handle your usual administrative tasks. 

That’s where Kinderpass comes in. Coming from a team with over 30 years of real-life experience owning and running childcare centers, Kinderpass is designed to make you and your employees’ lives easier.

Kinderpass provides you with a dedicated tool that you can use to communicate with parents and staff, provide real-time updates, and ensure that everyone has the right information.

We’ve worked hard to build Kinderpass into what it was always meant to be: a simple tool that takes the brunt of administrative work off your hands. You can leave all the behind-the-scenes work to us and focus on providing a nurturing and safe environment for kids to flourish in. If you’re interested in learning more about Kinderpass, contact us today to learn more.